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Player update

Player update

Paul Heasman10 Jun 2024 - 19:45

2024/25 Season.

Our retained list of players staying on for the 24/25 season.
Adam Grant.
Alex Keating.
Aoin Fraser.
Ethan Ford.
Gavin Quintyne.
Luke wynne-Roberts.
Nathan Hogan.
Paddi Harland Goddard,
Tom Harland Goddard.
Tommy Smith.
Jack Poplett.

Also see the players moving on to different things. Thank you and we wish you all the best.
Arlie Desanges
Ben Dyson.
Jack Saunders.
Peter Wedgworth.
Reuben Duncan.
Sam Orisatoki.
Tyrese Sutherland
Remember "Once a Lobster, always a Lobster"
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank, every single player that represented the club throughout the 23/24 season. You all played your part.

Meet a few of our new signings, with a more to be joining us over the next few weeks.
Arlie Talbays.
Sam Fitzgerald.
Jaevon Dyer.
Luke Bezashvili.

Further reading